Terms of Use

"Missionary Aviation Repair Center" and the Missionary Aviation Repair Center plane & state outline logo, are trademarks of Missionary Aviation Repair Center  (referred to hereafter as "MARC"). All rights are reserved by MARC, and they may not be used except as provided herein without the written permission of MARC.

Except where otherwise noted, all works on this site, including written materials, artwork, graphics, photographs, sound recordings, and video (collectively the "Copyrighted Materials"), are copyrighted by MARC. All rights are reserved. Users are permitted and encouraged to download, reproduce, and distribute the Copyrighted Materials to inform others about the work of MARC, provided that the Copyrighted Materials are not altered in any way, are reproduced in their entirety, no fee beyond the actual cost of reproduction is charged, no more than 1,000 physical copies are made, and the Copyrighted Materials are attributed to MARC with the accompanying copyright notice or the following notation: "© [year] Missionary Aviation Repair Center. All rights reserved. Used with permission." The Copyrighted Materials may not be used in such a way as to imply partnership with or endorsement by MARC or to promote or advertise commercial goods or services. All uses of the Copyrighted Material not expressly permitted hereby are prohibited without the written permission of MARC.

You may create a link to our Web site for informational purposes only. We appreciate your desire to let others know about our ministry and its work. Requests for links associated with your promotion or sale of a service, product, or event must be made in writing and require the written permission of MARC. For a general link to our Web site, the link should use our full name, directing people to our home page (http://www.marcalaska.org).  

You may link to individual pages on our Web site. We prefer that you link to pages on our site rather than copy or reprint material on your site. If you wish to include a description of our ministry with your link, please use the following statement:  "Missionary Aviation Repair Center is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization dedicated to expanding the reach of the Gospel in Alaska by:  flying people & supplies where there are no roads, supporting other missionaries & their aircraft, and training missionary-minded pilots & mechanics."

All requests for written permission should be sent via e-mail to info@marcalaska.org and should include the following information:

- Your name and the name of the organization making the request if not an individual.

- Your complete address, including the city, state and ZIP code.

- Your phone number and e-mail address.

- The URL for any Web site linking to MARC or on which you want to display Copyrighted Material or the Registered Marks.

- A detailed description of the item(s) you wish to use and how they will be used.


MARC is committed to maintaining your trust and confidence. The following Privacy Policy is to protect and secure the personal information you provide to our ministry online.


MARC provides this Privacy Policy to make sure you are aware of our security practices and to inform you of the way your information is collected and used. We also provide you with the opportunity to remove your name from our mailing list, if you desire to do so.


There are two different ways in which we collect information from visitors on our Web site:

1. From persons interested in requesting information or materials from our organization.

2. From our online donations.

The online information that we collect includes name, address, city, state, zip, telephone number, e-mail address, and, in the case of online giving, credit card number and expiration date. In order to continuously improve your service and tailor our subsequent communications to you, we may also ask you to provide us with additional information regarding your demographics, comments, professional interests, and contact preferences.


MARC uses your information to understand your needs and provide you with better service. We may use your information to complete a transaction, issue you an income tax receipt for a donation, or to personalize our Web site for you. If you so desire, we may also use this information to update you on ministry projects and activities. Credit card numbers are used only for donation or payment processing and are not retained for any other purposes. We also provide you the opportunity to remove your name from our mailing list, if you desire to do so. Please review the corresponding section of this policy further below.


MARC never sells, rents, leases, or exchanges your personal information with other organizations. The identity of all who contact us through this Web site will be kept confidential. Use of personal information will be limited to the internal purposes of MARC and only to further our ministry activities and purposes.


MARC is committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the proper use of information, we have established and implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. MARC utilizes Vanco Services LLC, a Payment Card Industry (PCI) Level 1 Compliant service provider, for our online donation capability. PCI compliance is a comprehensive standard intended to help organizations proactively protect customer account data. The designation "Level 1 Compliant" is reserved for large volume organizations like Vanco that pass rigorous independent on-site audits annually in addition to other critical assessments.  More information regarding their security is available at:



MARC respects your right to remove your name from our mailing list at any time so that you do not receive any future communications from our ministry. If you desire to remove your name, please contact us at info@marcalaska.org, or at (907) 262-5388.


If you have comments or questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at info@marcalaska.org, or at (907) 262-5388.