Beliefs — Missionary Aviation Repair Center

Our Beliefs


Our Beliefs

 MARC and its members believe in:

  • The authority of the Bible for us until Jesus comes in power and glory with His complete revelation.

  • The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

  • The doctrine of the Trinity, one God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • The fall of man, his subsequent moral depravity and his need for salvation through Jesus Christ.

  • The complete atonement for sin in Christ's finished work on the cross.

  • The doctrine of justification by faith in Christ's atonement.

  • The resurrection of the body, both in the case of the just and the unjust.

  • The eternal life of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost.

  • The imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Biblical ideals we strive to demonstrate in our ministry:


  • As followers of Jesus Christ we desire to be purpose-driven. Everything we do and say should take aim at fulfilling God's purpose for this ministry, the people of Alaska, and last but not least, for our own spiritual growth. Our ultimate purpose is to see God's name proclaimed in all the earth. Luke 2:49, Exodus 9:16


  • We value our call to renewal or transformation. God's word is clear in that we should be renewing our minds so that we can be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Additionally, we are called to make disciples who are being transformed into that same likeness. Romans 12:2


  • We value the unique part that each of us plays in the Kingdom. We strive to affirm our brothers and sisters as those unique servants for Christ. We affirm one another by showing love and respect. And we affirm one another by listening carefully and/or giving "the gift of a question" before making a judgment. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22


  • We value integrity. Our God's reputation is at stake every time we act or speak on His behalf. We value the protection and the peace that comes from honest living. May the words of our mouths and the fruit of our service always be honoring to our LORD. Proverbs 10:9


  • We value steadfastness in our walk with the Lord. We value standing firm in our commitment to reach lost people, those who are perishing. Perseverance builds character and character builds hope. Hope is what many people in the villages of Alaska have lost. We must remain steadfast! Isaiah 26:3, Romans 5:3


  • We value the joy that comes from being in the presence of the Lord. That joy provides the strength from which we serve. That joy enables our steadfastness. Our sincere prayer is that all should come to know this joy. Psalm 21:6, Nehemiah 8:10, Romans 15:13