Missionary Aviation Repair Center (MARC) is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. MARC files annual reports with the Internal Revenue Service and is audited annually by an independent public accounting firm. Our audited financial statements are available upon request at: Missionary Aviation Repair Center, 595 Funny River Rd, Soldotna AK, 99669, or by calling (907) 262-5388.
Our policy is to honestly and accurately share the challenges and situations we face in all ministry areas. We make these needs known so friends can prayerfully consider sharing financially as the Lord leads and enables. We believe motivation for all true giving comes from God as He moves in the hearts of people. Our stewardship duty is to inform and provide opportunities for giving without imposing undue obligation or pressure.
To protect the reputations of MARC and our donors, our gift acceptance policy is that: Gifts must be able to be used or expended in a way consistent with the purposes and mission of MARC; no irrevocable gift will be accepted if under any reasonable set of circumstances the gift will jeopardize the donor’s financial security; every major gift presented to MARC shall not be received until it is determined that said gift and manner in which it is given is in the best interest of MARC and the donor; MARC encourages donors to seek advice from their personal advisers; MARC staff cannot provide legal or financial counsel to any donor; MARC will take every precaution to protect the privacy and confidentiality of each donor; MARC will provide gift receipts according to IRS substantiation requirements; and, MARC does not compensate, whether through commissions, finders’ fees, or other means, any third party for directing a donor to MARC.
Contributions are solicited with the understanding that MARC has complete control over the use of all designated funds. Consistent with the strong reputation established throughout our many years of ministry service, MARC’s desire is to maximize our impact throughout remote Alaska with the hope of Jesus Christ. As such, our board-approved policy is that all gifts designated for a specific project will be applied to that project, with only a small percentage used for administrative and fundraising expenses. We pledge to be responsible in our management, truthful in our advertising, and cost-effective in our finances.
Your donation will go where it is needed most, unless you specify a particular location for it to be used. MARC makes every effort to honor your designation; however MARC reserves the right to apply funds to another purpose if in the sole judgment of MARC’s Board of Directors, the original designation becomes, in effect unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment, or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community or area served. In the rare circumstance we receive more contributions for a given need than can be wisely applied to that need, we will apply those funds to meet a similar pressing need.
Our missionary families solicit financial support as MARC ministry support, and donations are not allowed to be earmarked for their personal use. MARC expends designated support to staff families as reasonable salary compensation and for expenses directly related to their ministry costs.